Read with purpose now.
Pokina helps you read web content more effectively by analyzing, organizing, and extracting key insights from any webpage. Stop skimming, start understanding.
Trusted by readers worldwide

Your personal reading assistant.
Transform how you read online with powerful features designed to help you understand and retain information better.
AI-powered content analysis helps you understand complex articles, youtube videos, and web content quickly and effectively.

Trusted by knowledge workers worldwide.
See how Pokina is helping professionals organize their knowledge and boost their productivity with our intelligent personal knowledge management solution.
The Chrome extension is brilliant for long articles. It automatically summarizes key points and generates critical insights while I read. The AI helps me grasp complex topics much faster than reading alone.
Sarah ChenPhD Student in LiteratureThe YouTube integration is fantastic - it transcribes videos, extracts key concepts, and even links related points from my saved articles. Perfect for technical talks and educational content.
Michael TorresAcademic Researcher
As a researcher, the PDF analysis is incredible. It extracts figures, tables, and citations automatically. The AI helps identify methodology patterns and connects findings across multiple papers.
Dr. Lisa KumarResearch LibrarianThe semantic search across all my content is a game-changer. Whether it's in PDFs, articles, or video transcripts, Pokina finds relevant information and shows me connections I would have missed.
James WilsonBook Critic & Journalist
The AI-powered critical analysis helps me quickly understand complex topics. It breaks down arguments, identifies key claims, and even highlights potential biases in the content I'm reading.
David ParkLegal ResearcherWhat impresses me most is how it handles multimedia content. From academic papers to YouTube lectures, Pokina helps me extract insights and build a comprehensive understanding of any topic.
Emma RodriguezGraduate Student

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Join thousands of readers who use Pokina to read smarter, understand deeper, and remember better. Try it free today.
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Frequently asked questions
Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our support team at
How does Pokina help me read better?
Pokina uses AI to analyze content, extract key points, and provide summaries that help you quickly understand and retain information. It's like having a smart reading assistant that helps you focus on what matters.
How accurate are the AI-generated summaries?
Our AI models are trained on millions of articles and achieve high accuracy in content analysis. However, we recommend using the summaries as a complement to, not a replacement for, reading important content.
Is my reading data private and secure?
Your reading history, highlights, and notes are completely private. We use industry-standard encryption and never share your data with third parties.
Can I use Pokina offline?
While the browser extension requires an internet connection for AI analysis, you can access your saved articles and highlights offline through our web app.
Which browsers does Pokina support?
Pokina currently supports Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. We're working on support for Safari and other browsers.
What happens to my saved content if I cancel my subscription?
You can always access your saved content on the Free plan, but with limited features. We never delete your data unless you explicitly request it.